Be a Part of Our Community
There are several ways you can support the Bùth:
Volunteer your time or services
Become a member
Become a producer
Help spread our story on social media
Become a customer
Join in with our community projects/online events/classes
Sign up for our updates
If you would like to become a volunteer then please contact us. We welcome new volunteers and will do our utmost to match your needs and skills to suitable roles. Roles include shop assistant, visitor information, social media, website or stock management.
You don't have to live on Barra and Vatersay to volunteer your services and we also welcome visitors to the island as volunteers.
There will be exciting times ahead - join us on our journey.

Become a member
Cost of annual membership has been kept to a minimum (£1 or 50p for Juniors) to be all-inclusive. However, if you wish to pledge an annual donation in addition to membership we would be very grateful.
Junior: full-time residents of Barra and Vatersay who are under 16 years old and support the objectives of the company.
Producer*: regular supplier of goods and/or services who are full-time residents of Barra and Vatersay, entitled to vote in local government elections, who support the objectives of the company.
Ordinary*: full-time residents of Barra and Vatersay who are entitled to vote in local government elections, who support the objectives of the company.
Associate: People who are not full-time residents of Barra or Vatersay but support the objectives of the company, including off-island suppliers.
*Only ordinary and producer members are eligible to stand for the Board and to vote at any general meeting.
Members will receive a bi-annual newsletter and a free coffee when you visit the Bùth.
To join please email your details (name, address, phone and email) to us and pay the fee, plus an extra donation if you wish, through the donation button.
By paying your membership you are agreeing to support the aims and objectives of Bùth Bharraigh and understand that Bùth Bharraigh Ltd is a company limited by guarantee and your maximum liability if the company was wound up would be £1.00.